A vibrant and healthy garden is made by our caring professionals who focus on adequate preparation for the summer and winter seasons. At Sprout we pride ourselves on our attention to the needs of our gardens all season long and specifically during these crucial periods.

As new life sprouts in the spring our gardeners will be there to prepare your beds for the summer season and maximize their beauty and productivity. We take care of everything from edging to mulching, weeding, amending soils, and installations that will ensure your garden is as colorful and vibrant as possible.

In autumn we take great care to cut back beds, fertilize, and amend soils with compost again in preparation for the winter season. Removing all green waste from your gardens before winter will ensure all your plants return easily with their full vibrance the following year. We also look after your garden by raking, leaf blowing, and weeding before the snow falls.


At Sprout we garden because we love to be with plants every day of the summer. Our gardeners will conduct regular site visits (whether it’s every week, bi-weekly, or monthly) to weed, thin perennials, and clear fallen leaves & debris.

We take responsibility for not only the aesthetic outlook of your garden but also its health. Gardens thrive when consistent measures are taken to harbor patterns of homeostasis within the landscape. We start at the soil level with every project we procure. By first amending or choosing the proper soil for your project our clients start off ahead of the ball prepared to wow with their displays as well as fight off disease, drought, excessive dead-heading, plant loss and the other unpleasant side affects that accompany an unhealthy garden. Along with preventative care we also perform a strict watering/organic feeding regimen to guarantee your arrangements are happy and remain turgid throughout the hot days of summer.

Our efforts are not complete without looking after the spaces in-between. Our gardeners will weed your drip edges, patios, & burn off pesky driveway growth during our regular site-visits to give your household the crisp edge you desire.